perseverance 1
Persistent effort.
Persistent effort.
noun [ per-se-VER-ance ]
The quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties or delays in achieving success.
- 🖊️ If it weren't for their perseverance, the Wright brothers might never have taken flight.
- 🖊️ In the face of adversity, her perseverance shone like a beacon of hope.
- 🖊️ The perseverance of the human spirit is what drives us to explore the stars.
- 🤝 persistence, tenacity, determination
- ⚔️ defeatism, resignation, surrender
perseverance 2
Steadfastness in doing something.
Middle English
Steadfastness in doing something.
noun [ per-se-VER-ance ]
The action or condition of being steadfast in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
- 🖊️ In the face of adversity, her perseverance shone like a beacon of hope.
- 🖊️ If it weren't for his perseverance, the Wright brothers might never have taken flight.
- 🖊️ The perseverance of the scientists led to the groundbreaking discovery of the COVID-19 vaccine.
- 🤝 steadfastness, endurance, doggedness
- ⚔️ wavering, hesitation, indecision