

A seemingly self-contradictory statement.

Latin and Greek

A seemingly self-contradictory statement.

noun [ PAR-uh-doks ]

A statement or proposition that, despite sound reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory.

  • 🖊️  The paradox of Schrödinger's cat left the physicists in awe and confusion.
  • 🖊️  Isn't it a paradox that the more we communicate, the less we understand each other?
  • 🖊️  In the quiet of the night, the paradox of silence spoke volumes.
  • 🤝  contradiction, dilemma, enigma
  • ⚔️  consistency, harmony, certainty

An inconsistency or absurdity.

noun [ PAR-uh-doks ]

A situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities.

  • 🖊️  How can something so simple be so complex? It's a paradox!
  • 🖊️  Isn't it a paradox that the more we connect through technology, the more isolated we feel?
  • 🖊️  The paradox of war is that it brings peace through destruction.
  • 🖊️  If I were to believe in the paradox of time travel, would I change the past or the future?
  • 🖊️  The artist's life was a paradox; he was famous yet lived in obscurity.
  • 🖊️  The paradox of Schrödinger's cat left the physicists in awe and confusion.
  • 🖊️  In the heart of silence, a paradox sings.
  • 🤝  irony, absurdity, anomaly
  • ⚔️  normality, regularity, commonplace