
joy 1

A feeling of great pleasure.


A feeling of great pleasure.

noun [ joy ]

A feeling of great pleasure and happiness, often characterized by a sense of well-being and elation.

  • 🖊️  If I could bottle this joy, I'd share it with the world.
  • 🖊️  The crowd erupted in joy when the underdog team won the championship!
  • 🖊️  In her eyes, I saw pure joy as she held her newborn for the first time.
  • 🤝  happiness, delight, elation
  • ⚔️  sorrow, sadness, misery
joy - A feeling of great pleasure.
joy - A feeling of great pleasure.

To feel joy.

verb [ joy ]

To experience or show a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • 🖊️  The joy that radiated from his face was unmistakable.
  • 🖊️  Oh, the joy of seeing your favorite band live for the first time!
  • 🖊️  If she were to win the lottery, she would be overwhelmed with joy.
  • 🖊️  Isn't it a joy to watch the sunset over the Grand Canyon?
  • 🖊️  The news of the armistice brought joy to millions across the globe.
  • 🖊️  If I could bottle this joy, I'd share it with the world.
  • 🖊️  Would you believe that such a small gesture could bring so much joy?
  • 🖊️  When the baby took her first steps, the room was filled with joy.
  • 🖊️  In the quiet of the morning, she felt a sudden joy that made her heart sing.
  • 🖊️  The invention of the internet has brought joy and connectivity to countless lives.
  • 🤝  rejoice, delight, exult
  • ⚔️  lament, grieve, mourn

joy 2

A state of happiness.

Old French

A state of happiness.

noun [ joy ]

A state of happiness or felicity, often resulting from success or good fortune.

  • 🖊️  Is there any greater joy than seeing a child take their first steps?
  • 🖊️  When the Berlin Wall fell, the streets were filled with joy and celebration.
  • 🖊️  In her eyes, I saw pure joy as she danced under the moonlight.
  • 🖊️  The joy that comes from helping others is unparalleled.
  • 🖊️  The joy of a new beginning is a feeling like no other.
  • 🖊️  Her heart was filled with joy when she received the acceptance letter from Harvard.
  • 🖊️  Even in the darkest times, a glimmer of joy can light the way.
  • 🖊️  The news of the new vaccine brought joy to millions around the globe.
  • 🖊️  If I could bottle this joy, I'd share it with the world.
  • 🖊️  Oh, the joy of victory, sweeter than any nectar!
  • 🤝  bliss, contentment, glee
  • ⚔️  despair, unhappiness, woe