ingenuity 1
Cleverness or skillfulness.
Cleverness or skillfulness.
noun [ in-juh-NOO-i-tee ]
The quality of being clever, original, and inventive, often in the context of solving problems or creating things.
- 🖊️ In the annals of history, the ingenuity of Leonardo da Vinci remains unparalleled.
- 🖊️ With a touch of ingenuity, he transformed the old barn into a cozy home.
- 🖊️ Her ingenuity shone like a beacon in the dark, guiding us to safety.
- 🖊️ Her ingenuity shone like a beacon in the dark, guiding us to safety.
- 🖊️ In the annals of history, the ingenuity of Leonardo da Vinci remains unparalleled.
- 🖊️ With a touch of ingenuity, he transformed the old barn into a cozy home.
- 🤝 cleverness, inventiveness, creativity
- ⚔️ stupidity, dullness, ineptitude

noun [ in-juh-NOO-i-tee ]
The ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
- 🖊️ Was it not the ingenuity of the Wright brothers that gave us wings to fly?
- 🖊️ In the face of adversity, her ingenuity shone like a beacon of hope.
- 🖊️ With a touch of ingenuity, he transformed the old barn into a modern studio.
- 🖊️ With a touch of ingenuity, he transformed the old barn into a modern studio.
- 🖊️ Was it not the ingenuity of the Wright brothers that gave us wings to fly?
- 🖊️ In the face of adversity, her ingenuity shone like a beacon of hope.
- 🤝 resourcefulness, adroitness, dexterity
- ⚔️ helplessness, incompetence, inefficiency
ingenuity 2
Inventive talent.
Middle English
Inventive talent.
noun [ in-juh-NOO-i-tee ]
The talent for devising or creating something new or original, often through imaginative skill.
- 🖊️ Her ingenuity was praised by the committee, but the project still faced many challenges.
- 🖊️ Is it not ingenuity that drives humanity to explore the stars?
- 🖊️ If he had more ingenuity, he could have turned the tide of the battle.
- 🖊️ With a touch of ingenuity, Da Vinci transformed simple sketches into masterpieces.
- 🖊️ The new AI's ingenuity in solving complex problems left the engineers in awe.
- 🖊️ Oh, the ingenuity of youth, always finding a way to make the impossible possible!
- 🖊️ In the heart of the storm, her ingenuity shone like a beacon.
- 🖊️ If he had more ingenuity, he could have turned the tide of the battle.
- 🖊️ With a touch of ingenuity, Da Vinci transformed simple sketches into masterpieces.
- 🖊️ Oh, the ingenuity of youth, always finding a way to make the impossible possible!
- 🖊️ Is it not ingenuity that drives humanity to explore the stars?
- 🖊️ Her ingenuity was praised by the committee, but the project still faced many challenges.
- 🖊️ The new AI's ingenuity in solving complex problems left the engineers in awe.
- 🖊️ In the heart of the storm, her ingenuity shone like a beacon.
- 🤝 creativity, originality, innovation
- ⚔️ conventionality, unimaginativeness, imitativeness