gratitude 1
The quality of being thankful.
The quality of being thankful.
noun [ GRAT-i-tood ]
A feeling of appreciation or thanks towards someone or something for a benefit received.
- 🖊️ In the age of social media, expressing gratitude has become both easier and more superficial.
- 🖊️ Her gratitude was palpable, a silent testament to the power of human connection.
- 🖊️ The letter, written in elegant cursive, expressed deep gratitude for the kindness shown during the war.
- 🖊️ Is it not a marvel that in the face of adversity, some still find gratitude?
- 🖊️ In the quiet of dawn, she whispered her gratitude to the rising sun.
- 🖊️ The gratitude felt by the community after the new park was built was immense.
- 🖊️ The CEO's speech was filled with gratitude for the team's hard work and dedication.
- 🖊️ Oh, how the world would change if we all practiced a bit more gratitude!
- 🖊️ With a heart full of gratitude, he accepted the Nobel Prize, his voice trembling with emotion.
- 🖊️ If I had known the impact of my actions, I would have shown more gratitude.
- 🤝 thankfulness, appreciation, gratefulness
- ⚔️ ingratitude, thanklessness
Readiness to show appreciation.
noun [ GRAT-i-tood ]
A willingness to express thanks and return kindnesses or favors.
- 🖊️ In the quiet of dawn, she whispered her gratitude to the rising sun.
- 🖊️ Her gratitude was evident in the way she smiled, a silent thank you to the universe.
- 🖊️ With a dramatic flourish, the actor exclaimed, 'Your kindness shall be met with eternal gratitude!'
- 🖊️ Reflecting on the sacrifices of those who fought in World War II, we must express our deepest gratitude.
- 🖊️ Elon Musk tweeted his gratitude to the team for their hard work on the latest SpaceX launch.
- 🖊️ Is it not a marvel how gratitude can transform the mundane into the extraordinary?
- 🖊️ If I were to win the lottery, my first act would be to show gratitude to all who supported me.
- 🤝 acknowledgment, recognition
- ⚔️ ungratefulness, insensibility
gratitude 2
Quality of being thankful.
Old French
Quality of being thankful.
noun [ GRAT-i-tood ]
The state of being grateful and expressing appreciation for kindnesses received.
- 🖊️ In a world driven by haste, a moment of gratitude can be a revolutionary act.
- 🖊️ If I had shown more gratitude, perhaps our paths would not have diverged so drastically.
- 🖊️ The letter, written in elegant script, conveyed her deepest gratitude for their unwavering support.
- 🖊️ With a heart full of gratitude, he accepted the Nobel Prize, his voice trembling with emotion.
- 🖊️ In the quiet of dawn, she whispered her gratitude to the rising sun.
- 🖊️ The community's gratitude was palpable as they unveiled the statue in his honor.
- 🖊️ Is it not a marvel how gratitude can transform even the darkest of days?
- 🤝 thankfulness, appreciation, acknowledgment
- ⚔️ ungratefulness, thanklessness