
faith 1

Complete trust or confidence.


Complete trust or confidence.

noun [ fayth ]

Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

  • 🖊️  Do you have faith in the new technology, or do you think it's just another passing trend?
  • 🖊️  In the darkest of nights, she held onto her faith like a beacon of light.
  • 🖊️  The soldiers marched forward, their faith in victory unwavering despite the odds.
  • 🤝  trust, confidence, belief
  • ⚔️  doubt, skepticism, mistrust

Strong religious belief.

noun [ fayth ]

Strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.

  • 🖊️  In the darkest of nights, her faith was a beacon of light.
  • 🖊️  During the Civil Rights Movement, many leaders drew strength from their unwavering faith.
  • 🖊️  Do you think faith alone can move mountains, or is it just a comforting illusion?
  • 🤝  belief, conviction, creed
  • ⚔️  disbelief, agnosticism, atheism

faith 2

Loyalty to a person or cause.

Middle English

Loyalty to a person or cause.

noun [ fayth ]

Loyalty or allegiance to a person or a cause.

  • 🖊️  In the darkest of nights, her faith shone like a beacon.
  • 🖊️  Do you still have faith in the system after all these scandals?
  • 🖊️  If I had more faith in myself, I would have pursued my dreams.
  • 🤝  loyalty, fidelity, allegiance
  • ⚔️  treachery, betrayal, disloyalty