
consciousness 1

State of being aware.


State of being aware.

noun [ CON-shus-ness ]

The state or quality of being aware of and able to think about one's own existence, thoughts, and surroundings.

  • 🖊️  In a world where everyone is constantly distracted, maintaining consciousness of the present moment is a rare skill.
  • 🖊️  The artist's work aims to elevate our consciousness to new heights.
  • 🖊️  The consciousness of the nation was forever altered by the events of September 11, 2001.
  • 🖊️  The rise of artificial intelligence has sparked debates about machine consciousness and its ethical implications.
  • 🖊️  Is it possible for a robot to achieve consciousness?
  • 🖊️  In the stillness of the night, her consciousness drifted like a feather on the wind.
  • 🖊️  To be or not to be, that is the question that haunts the very essence of our consciousness.
  • 🖊️  If I were more conscious of my actions, perhaps I wouldn't have made so many mistakes.
  • 🖊️  Her consciousness was flooded with memories as she walked through the old neighborhood.
  • 🖊️  Are you even conscious of the impact your words have on others?
  • 🖊️  Her consciousness was flooded with memories as she walked through the old neighborhood.
  • 🖊️  In the stillness of the night, her consciousness drifted like a feather on the wind.
  • 🖊️  Is it possible for a robot to achieve consciousness?
  • 🖊️  If I were more conscious of my actions, perhaps I wouldn't have made so many mistakes.
  • 🖊️  The artist's work aims to elevate our consciousness to new heights.
  • 🖊️  The rise of artificial intelligence has sparked debates about machine consciousness and its ethical implications.
  • 🖊️  Are you even conscious of the impact your words have on others?
  • 🖊️  To be or not to be, that is the question that haunts the very essence of our consciousness.
  • 🖊️  The consciousness of the nation was forever altered by the events of September 11, 2001.
  • 🖊️  In a world where everyone is constantly distracted, maintaining consciousness of the present moment is a rare skill.
  • 🤝  awareness, sentience, perception
  • ⚔️  unconsciousness, insentience, ignorance
consciousness - State of being aware.
consciousness - State of being aware.

Collective awareness.

noun [ CON-shus-ness ]

The collective awareness or shared knowledge within a group or society.

  • 🖊️  The consciousness of the crowd surged with excitement as the band took the stage.
  • 🖊️  The rise of social media has created a global consciousness that connects us all.
  • 🖊️  In the stillness of the night, consciousness whispers secrets to the stars.
  • 🖊️  As the world watched in awe, humanity's consciousness expanded with the first steps on the moon.
  • 🖊️  Is our consciousness merely a byproduct of neural activity, or does it transcend the physical realm?
  • 🖊️  In the annals of history, the consciousness of a nation can be seen evolving through its art and literature.
  • 🖊️  If we were to lose our consciousness, would we still be ourselves?
  • 🖊️  The consciousness of the crowd surged with excitement as the band took the stage.
  • 🖊️  In the stillness of the night, consciousness whispers secrets to the stars.
  • 🖊️  Is our consciousness merely a byproduct of neural activity, or does it transcend the physical realm?
  • 🖊️  In the annals of history, the consciousness of a nation can be seen evolving through its art and literature.
  • 🖊️  The rise of social media has created a global consciousness that connects us all.
  • 🖊️  If we were to lose our consciousness, would we still be ourselves?
  • 🖊️  As the world watched in awe, humanity's consciousness expanded with the first steps on the moon.
  • 🤝  collective awareness, group mind
  • ⚔️  individualism, solipsism

consciousness 2

Moral sense.

Middle English

Moral sense.

noun [ CON-shus-ness ]

A person's moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one's behavior.

  • 🖊️  The rise of AI has sparked debates about whether machines can ever possess true consciousness.
  • 🖊️  Her consciousness was a beacon, guiding her through the moral complexities of life.
  • 🖊️  The consciousness of the nation was stirred by the powerful speech of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • 🖊️  In the stillness of the night, her consciousness whispered truths she could no longer ignore.
  • 🖊️  Was it his consciousness that led him to confess, or merely a fear of being caught?
  • 🖊️  If Hamlet had been more attuned to his consciousness, perhaps the tragedy could have been averted.
  • 🖊️  Should we, as a society, not strive to elevate our collective consciousness?
  • 🖊️  In the stillness of the night, her consciousness whispered truths she could no longer ignore.
  • 🖊️  The consciousness of the nation was stirred by the powerful speech of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • 🖊️  If Hamlet had been more attuned to his consciousness, perhaps the tragedy could have been averted.
  • 🖊️  Was it his consciousness that led him to confess, or merely a fear of being caught?
  • 🖊️  Her consciousness was a beacon, guiding her through the moral complexities of life.
  • 🖊️  Should we, as a society, not strive to elevate our collective consciousness?
  • 🖊️  The rise of AI has sparked debates about whether machines can ever possess true consciousness.
  • 🤝  conscience, moral sense, scruples
  • ⚔️  amorality, immorality
consciousness - Moral sense.
consciousness - Moral sense.