
bittersweet 1

Simultaneously bitter and sweet.

Old English

Simultaneously bitter and sweet.

adjective [ BIT-er-sweet ]

Describing a taste or experience that is both bitter and sweet at the same time, often used metaphorically to describe emotions that are a mix of happiness and sadness.

  • 🖊️  Isn't it bittersweet how time flies, leaving behind both cherished moments and regrets?
  • 🖊️  The victory was bittersweet, for it came at the cost of many lives.
  • 🖊️  The memory of their last dance was bittersweet, a blend of joy and sorrow.
  • 🤝  mixed, ambivalent
  • ⚔️  unmixed, pure
bittersweet - Simultaneously bitter and sweet.
bittersweet - Simultaneously bitter and sweet.

bittersweet 2

A type of plant.

Middle English

A type of plant.

noun [ BIT-er-sweet ]

Refers to a type of plant, specifically the woody nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) or the climbing plant Celastrus orbiculatus, known for its combination of bitter and sweet properties.

  • 🖊️  The garden was adorned with bittersweet vines, their orange berries a stark contrast to the green leaves.
  • 🖊️  In the play's final act, the protagonist gazes at the bittersweet plant, a symbol of his conflicted emotions.
  • 🖊️  The bittersweet plant, often overlooked, has a beauty that is both haunting and captivating.
  • 🤝  woody nightshade, climbing bittersweet
bittersweet - A type of plant.
bittersweet - A type of plant.