
ambiguity 1

Uncertainty of meaning.


Uncertainty of meaning.

noun [ am-bih-GYOO-i-tee ]

The quality or state of having more than one possible meaning; unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made.

  • 🖊️  If I were to embrace ambiguity, would clarity ever find me?
  • 🖊️  During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the ambiguity of each side's intentions nearly led to global catastrophe.
  • 🖊️  The artist's work thrives on ambiguity, inviting viewers to find their own meanings.
  • 🖊️  Isn't it fascinating how ambiguity can turn a simple statement into a complex puzzle?
  • 🖊️  The lawyer's argument was filled with ambiguity, leaving the jury in a state of confusion.
  • 🖊️  In the age of AI, the ambiguity of machine learning algorithms often leaves us questioning their decisions.
  • 🖊️  In the fog of dawn, ambiguity danced with the shadows.
  • 🖊️  Her smile held a certain ambiguity, a blend of joy and sorrow.
  • 🖊️  The ambiguity in his voice made her wonder if he was truly happy.
  • 🤝  uncertainty, vagueness, equivocation
  • ⚔️  clarity, certainty, definiteness
ambiguity - Uncertainty of meaning.
ambiguity - Uncertainty of meaning.

A statement that is unclear.

noun [ am-bih-GYOO-i-tee ]

A word, phrase, or statement which contains more than one meaning, leading to uncertainty or confusion.

  • 🖊️  In the fog of ambiguity, truth often hides.
  • 🖊️  The lawyer's argument was filled with ambiguity, leaving the jury confused and uncertain.
  • 🖊️  Isn't it fascinating how ambiguity can turn a simple statement into a riddle?
  • 🤝  double entendre, equivocality, obscurity
  • ⚔️  explicitness, lucidity, transparency

ambiguity 2

Doubtfulness or uncertainty.

Old French

Doubtfulness or uncertainty.

noun [ am-bih-GYOO-i-tee ]

The state of being doubtful or uncertain; an instance of being open to more than one interpretation.

  • 🖊️  The lawyer's statement was filled with ambiguity, leaving the jury in a state of confusion.
  • 🖊️  In the fog of ambiguity, truth often hides.
  • 🖊️  Had he known the ambiguity of the situation, he might have acted differently.
  • 🖊️  If there were no ambiguity in life, would we ever truly appreciate clarity?
  • 🖊️  In the age of AI, the ambiguity of ethical guidelines poses significant challenges.
  • 🖊️  Can we ever escape the ambiguity of human emotions?
  • 🖊️  The report was criticized for its ambiguity and lack of concrete data.
  • 🖊️  The ambiguity of the Mona Lisa's smile has puzzled art historians for centuries.
  • 🖊️  Oh, the sweet ambiguity of twilight, where day meets night!
  • 🖊️  Was it love or mere infatuation? The ambiguity of her feelings left him restless.
  • 🤝  doubt, indecision, hesitation
  • ⚔️  conviction, confidence, assurance
ambiguity - Doubtfulness or uncertainty.
ambiguity - Doubtfulness or uncertainty.